Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday - Lent 3

Deuteronomy 4: 1, 5-9
Matthew 5:17-19

One gets the sense that there is something of great value in passing on the gift of faith to the next generation.  We pass on our rituals and traditions, we pass on the moral teachings given through the law and the Sacred Scriptures, we pass on a legacy of deep roots set in the rich soil of God’s kingdom here on earth.  While it is difficult to watch the faithful dwindle in numbers and to see the impact of luke warm fidelity to God’s law, there is always reason for us to be hopeful.  

Our hope lies in openness to the movement of the Holy Spirit in and through the Church.  We are experiencing a time of spiritual dryness right now.  There is always something very powerful that happens when the faithful remain steadfast in their fidelity to God’s law, though.  New branches emerge in the vine where, in Divine Providence, the old dead branches have been pruned away.

The Church of today may not look recognizable to those who lived through the 1940’s and 50’s.  We may not recognize the Church 50 years from now, should any of still be alive.  It has always been, and will for ever be, God’s Church.  As long as we are willing to pass on what we have received, there will always be reason to have hope.

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